Saturday, May 3, 2008

Article Shed Pele

Kepada rakan kolej
Article dari Shed Pele......

'Wahai Budak-Budak Kolej:
Article on Political and Business Outlook Post-March 8 by Shed Pele khas buat rakan-rakan...aku nak start a column dalam Malay Mail 5hb April, so promo la sikit dulu..

Umno and Barisan Nasional as a political organisation have apportioned too much of its productive hours to inciting its ground into a needless blame-game following a general election that actually gave a clear mandate with specific instructions and caveats to this ruling party.

The chain of this argument begins with the main deduction from the campaign din, one that tells us the most emotive issue is livelihood. About getting by on present earnings.

Next is the lingering grouse that designated segments and species tend to earn more partly because they operate on an elevated field. Corruption, in the reckoning of great many voters, relate to the entire range of injustices, from patronage, strategic winks and nods in boardrooms, golf courses and karoake lounges.

Against a backdrop of wealth creation and the attendant display of riches, the plodding crowd accumulates stresses on the roads, workplaces, at times of paying toll (s), and thus quickly develop unfettered desires for commentaries and indictments both as recipient and provider.

The sum total of unhappiness, even near-despair, lubricates the wheels of perception hence deception, the velocity and chaotic nature of which resemble that of a runaway train. What appears to be a state of near-flux that greeted the outcome of the March 8 general elections collect and transmit more quantities of anxieties.

Yet, the truth is the nation, as a whole, has not been disadvantaged by this power-sharing arrangement foisted onto the political structure.

For starters, entrepreneurial zeal, a feature of a vibrant economy and deepening civilization, shall acquire greater exuberance, ideas and resources. Newly-minted governments of Penang, Selangor, Perak and Kedah shall push for broader growth, catalyse businesses and empower newer breed of businessmen.

At a glance, this is patronage all over again although it is going to be suicidal for Pakatan Rakyat to acknowledge. More fundamentally, critics of the conduct of business in Malaysia in the post-Tunku era shall benefit from a wider representation of the truer nature of doing business.

That unless you invest time and resources on relationships, you are a non-starter in business. Assuming that the Selangor Government decides to drive a particular economic idea of building a local hypermarket chain. The very sensible Menteri Besar can be expected to assign businessmen he is familiar with to ensure success with the corporate figure turned Menteri Besar functioning as a CEO-MB.

Over and above developing a nucleus of friendly but highly efficient businessmen, a breed who in bad times is denigrated as "cronies", all State Governments and the one at Federal, will want to prove each possesses the best structures of wealth distribution. They would want to parade transparency and a devotion to efficiency, and listen to business proposals from people who essentially don't support their politics.

I know of a school prefect during our time who wishes to conceive a housing-scheme concept to be presented to the Pas-led Government of Kedah. In a sense this mirrors preparing a presentation to a Malay-speaking "foreign" Government as this bloke is a hard-nosed Umno supporter who will have to overcome political barrier in putting across his thoughts. Emboldened by this experience, our friend shall have the courage of replicating the concept overseas.

Over time, a competing economic module shall materialise. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's eagerness to prove that he would be able to bring investments to Pakatan territory shall compel Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, like Anwar, a future Prime Ministerial candidate to deliver for the Federal Government in his capacity as Malaysia's main marketing man being Minister of International Trade and Industry. This politik Melayu Baru shall see petty rivalry and ancient prejudices discharged into the Straits of Malacca as Muhyiddin's best opportunity to showcase the Federal Government's investment module is to draw foreign investments into his homestate's Iskandar Region.

Umno politicians like Muhyiddin and his old chum, Datuk Ghani Othman the Menteri Besar of Johor, are decidedly under siege as they fear for the Malays. A weakened Malay political leverage shall evoke reactions from the rest. This is not sinister, rather a piece of opportunism. On paper, this fear, contrived or otherwise, should rightfully inspire not torment as the Malays would be forced to run faster, take a greater interest in politics as the non-Malays do.

It is widely believed that a big percentage of the 5 million unregistered voters are Malays. To prepare for, and cope with, the heightened political activism prevalent in the country, Malays will have to be frog-marched from comfort zones. Fast-tracking political maturity shall be necessary. I suggest that individuals develop a set of personalised coherent thoughts politics. Ask yourself these questions;

1) What is my role in politics?

2) What are my preferred sources of political arguments and ideas?

3) What sort of political leadership I need for me and my family?

4) What are my own political ideals?

5) Should I discuss politics with my children and what do I tell them?

6) Should I be meeting politicians and what do I tell them?

I believe politics suffer from an overdose of "merapu" (nonsensical, frivolous) and emotions that a few enlightened men could all too easily influence the tone of politics in the country. No, I don't think it is end of the road for Umno-BN. It could get better provided it starts delivering on the assignments dished out by the voters. Trouble is a good one-month has been squandered as everyone seems to be indulging in a finger-pointing frenzy.

The point I am trying to make is at least some of you - M. Nasir, Tok Adam, Zopet, Hashim Man, M Baser, Zulkurnain - should take a keener interest in politics by talking to your preferred political party and seeking a way of contributing. Even as you embrace the ideals of PKR-Pas, give Umno a chance to reinvent by being a part of its renewal.

Terima Kasih.

Jangan Lupa Futsal Selasa Malam.'


1 comment:

tokasid said...

Salam Car9 and Shed pele:

Well written Shed and I do get your point.

Personally this is what I think:-
1-Despite my happiness that BN did badly in the 12th GE, I think they esp UMNO should stop pointing fingers blaming each other .Get over with it. Life have to go on.

2-What they should do( I know a few groups within UMNO did) is muhasabbah themselves(esp the leaders of all levels)sincerely and if they find what their faults are,its time to make changes and sacrifices.They need to come back to the real world where the rakyat are watching them very closely now( same goes to Pakatan rakyat's YBs)and get away with I am better than opposition attitude.
Most of them have humble backgrounds but as they climbed the political stairways their egos grew bugger and finally the are out of touch with their own ppl. They enclosed themselves in the caste they created.They become the Brahmins of malays. Some might think they are like the royalties!

3- The political landscape has changed and hopefully its for the good of every rakyat.Malay,Bumiputeras, Chinese,Indians and others. I hope all political parties will make adjustments necessary for this. They must be willing to work for Malaysians. They must stop making racial remarks or stances that can and will incite angst or sending the wrong or misinterprated messages to the ppl.

4-About appointing people to run certain biznesses or giving out contracts. Personally I am okay IF the receipients are well qualified to do the job.There were many who did a good job given to them by the BN govt. At the same time we also knew there are those who were appointed or given out contracts not for their qualification but for political gains or financial gains. This is what that drove the rakyat to the brink( partly). These figures for what ever reasons(most likely their incapabilities of managing)had somehow rundowned whatever agencies or GLC that they are responsible to. And numerous times their agencies or GLC had to be save by the rakyats' coffer.

BN or Pakatan rakyat must avoid these mistakes again if possible.

5-BN-UMNO's relevancy will depend on how much damage control and reformation they can bring to their parties.That is up to them to ponder.The rakyat and many UMNO/BN members have given them the signal. Its up to the leaders to follow this through.

6- I sincerely hope the proposal by our former prefect( Zuhri?Pa Awang?) to PAS -led Kedah govt will be received in good faith and be studied upon the PAS govt without prejudice. If it is viable and can benefit the Kedah ppl, then I think PAS should accept it. But we are well aware the the Malay political scope is bizzare esp between PAS and UMNO. Its not the members per se that is causing all this 'problems'.Its the leaders.
Our former prefect must play his cards well for his proposal to move. Maybe certain names should be avoided during conversations.

7- I am glad that you will be writing again in the Mail.Many of your x-NST collegeus are excited about it.

My salam to all ex-KSAH esp our batch.